How to find us

The Lang Group

ETH Hönggerberg
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry LOC
Vladimir-​Prelog-Weg 3
HCI building, floor F, rooms 322-339
CH-​8093 Zurich | Switzerland

We can be found at the end of the F floor in the third "finger" of the HCI building on the ETH Hönggerberg campus.

Prof. Kathrin Lang: HCI F 337 | phone +41 44 633 43 84

area plan of campus ETH Hönggerberg, red dot on third finger of HCI building

How to get there:

Parking & Delivery:

The closest car park to HCI building is P1.
The official visitors car park can be found beyond "Anlieferung Chemie".

Download Parking facilities at ETH Hönggerberg (PDF, 79 KB)
Download Locations of ticket machines at ETH Hönggerberg (PDF, 85 KB)

Deliveries are possible in the parking garage P1 (see map above). Follow the sign "Anlieferung" when getting close to the campus. Drive to parking garage P1 and follow there the sign "Anlieferung Chemie".

Deliveries can be unloaded at delivery ramp no. 4 in parking garage P1. The ramp has direct access to the HCI building. Contact the staff at the post office next to the ramp or call us. There is a landline phone next to the ramp to reach us, if necessary (mobile reception is quite bad in the building).